The way the Cooki crumbles
Why are more people than ever struggling with binge eating?
Why is it so difficult to talk about?
How can you be free of the binge and restrict cycle?
Chat about real experiences and what it means to finally stop. Health and wellness for those who appreciate a chocolate chip, with Emma Cook.
The way the Cooki crumbles
002 - Why do I binge eat?!
Welcome to the way the cookie crumbles,
A space where we discuss binge eating, disordered eating patterns, body image, self confidence and the less than flashy side of the health, fitness and diet industries.
I’m Emma Cook and I’m here to share experiences and actionable insights into how you can finally leave binge eating behind.
Today's episode looks into the various different types of binge eaters, and which experiences you might relate to. Do you find it hard to ever feel satisfied with whatever you eat, or do you always turn to food when you're bored.
Do you eat for emotional support, or to comfort yourself when experiencing a negative emotion. Could you be energy seeking, habitual, or all of the above.
I hope this episode helps you to understand a bit more about why you might currently be binge eating and encourage some reflection on what your current situation is with health and fitness.
Thanks so much for taking the time to listen, your future self will thank you too.
Say hello @emmacooki on instagram or check out the website emmacooki.com for more info.
Cooki x